Indonesia Sociopreneur Challenge 2016

RADARKAMPUS.COM I Indonesia Sociopreneur Challenge or ISoC is an annual competition in Social Entrepreneurship focuses on solving specific issues through innovation with commercial potential.

ISoC was initiated by Technopreneurship Program – Surya University, Agency for Public cleanliness, Park and Cemetery (DKPP) of South Tangerang, and City Planning Development Agency of South Tangerang. The first competition was in 2015 and aimed for Indonesians only and referring to the success, enthusiasm, and feedback from people not only from Indonesia but also abroad, ISoC 2016 becomes international challenge.

This year theme is ‘Waste around Us’ and ISoc invites anyone above 18 years old to submit their innovative idea to solve waste problem in South Tangerang.

Total prize for this competition is more than US$ 29.000. Registration online will be open on March, 1 2016 - May 31, 2016. For more information, please click 
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